How much does it cost per square foot to build?
This comes from the post WWII housing boom that saw 1100 sq. ft 3 bedroom one bath homes all in a row. Many will try to low ball a number to get interest. We will give a turn-key exact quote before construction begins.
Can I make changes once construction begins?
We are custom home builders. Although we want as many decisions made in the beginning we love helping you make your dreams come true and are very flexible.
Who gets the building permit, installs utilities from the street and installs my drive?
We can and will handle even the minor details for you!
How long will it take to build my house?
Start to finish takes four to five months.
Is my home subcontracted out?
We have skilled employees on staff. We also employ a great team of subcontracted tradesman to get the best quality home built.
When can you start?
We build all year round for the most part. We will not compromise quality and make sure we have the right combination of materials and methods to accomplish our goal of quality construction.
Let's Talk
Whether you’re just beginning the process or already have some ideas in mind, let’s talk about your project.